Posts Tagged ‘writing’

I know I’ve touched on this before in this entry. But that was a “lesson.” I consider this an “editorial.” Longtime readers are aware of my open letter to Phantom’s Ange. I touched upon her history of plagiarism there briefly. It wasn’t relevant to the topic I was discussing. And I guess because I thought […]



***The subject matter of this post is not suitable for readers of all ages. Reader discretion is advised.***

Ever watch a TV show or a movie? Ever notice someone’s shirt changing between shots? Or the show calls back to something that happened earlier in the series? That’s called “continuity.” “How I Met Your Mother” is very good with it. They go to the point that if they have to go back in time […]

An Open Letter


This is an open letter to a writer on, Phantom’s Ange. I’ll give you a little history about her: She started out writing under a different name. She was caught plagiarizing though and had her account shut down. She edited the story, created a new account and posted it again. She would eventually become […]

(This was posted on my other blog. But it applies) No, I’m not thinking that my book will be turned into a movie. That would be a wonderful outcome, though. No, I’m talking about action sequences. They can be difficult to write. It’s even there in my writing book from my fiction class in college. […]

You’re so proud! You had an idea for a story and you wrote it. Your friends say it’s really good so you publish on or other public fan fiction archives. You sit back and wait for the reviews to roll in. There are a few possible scenarios: A) You receive only good reviews. Congrats […]

Setting Now, I’m sure there are people out there who are thinking “Why do we need to focus on setting for a fanfiction? It’s already there!” True, but that’s not even half the work. Remember how in the last section we discussed description? I mentioned that good description can make the setting its own character […]

Research, An Author’s Best Friend Okay, you’ve decided you are going to write a fanfic. You sit down and start writing. It’s that easy, right? WRONG! Even if you weren’t going to write fanfiction and write an original work, you can’t just start writing. Every author has to do research of some sort. It’s as […]

Part II


Characters, Original So, we we’ve already discussed the canon characters and that it is best to keep them in character as much as possible. Now, it’s time to discuss the Original Character. These are the characters we as authors create to interact with the established canon characters. What makes a good OC? Well, first, they […]



Okay, I’m a regular over at and throughout many years of reading fanfiction, I’ve learned what makes a good fanfiction and what makes a bad one. So, if you don’t mind a bit of ranting, I’m going to share it. Because I feel there are people out there who need to know this. Definition […]