Archive for the ‘Lord of the Rings’ Category

Here’s the problem about writing fanfiction where you insert a character into the action: you already know what’s going to happen. You may be asking, well, why is that problem? It doesn’t have to be but it usually is. Remember what I said about Mary Sues? How they know everything? And that is BORING. Yes, […]

Let’s talk about movie fanfictions. And the most common form of them—inserting your new character into the movie. There’s nothing wrong with the idea. It’s usually in the execution and I tend to see the same one over and over. New characters gets inserted into movie and author transcribes the film. ZzzZzzZ

When does an obsession go too far? I guess that’s a matter of opinion in most cases. Especially because how people become obsessed differs from person to person. I am definitely more the type who tries to learn everything I can about the person(s) in question. Official websites, fan sites, you name it! There’s the […]

An Open Letter


This is an open letter to a writer on, Phantom’s Ange. I’ll give you a little history about her: She started out writing under a different name. She was caught plagiarizing though and had her account shut down. She edited the story, created a new account and posted it again. She would eventually become […]

In “So They Dislike Your Writing: How to Suck it Up and Write a Gracious Reply,” I mentioned that it was a bad thing to come across as a fan brat. I’m sure some questions were raised. And even if they weren’t, I’m going to answer them anyway. It’s my blog, after all. What is […]

You know you’ve been there. You’ve just watched a movie or a TV show, maybe just finished a book. The more you ponder the characters, the more you wonder what it would be like if they had to interact with characters from another movie/TV show/book. And thus we have the fan fiction crossover! You’ve seen […]

You’re so proud! You had an idea for a story and you wrote it. Your friends say it’s really good so you publish on or other public fan fiction archives. You sit back and wait for the reviews to roll in. There are a few possible scenarios: A) You receive only good reviews. Congrats […]

You read a fan fiction. And you’ve been moved to review it. Here are some guidelines to writing a good review. If you like the story… “This is so good! Write more!” That is a very common review. And it’s positive and probably truthful. You thought the story was good and you do want to […]



Let’s face it–nine fan fictions out of ten are going to be romances. Once again, All Fan Fiction Writers are Girls. And girls love romance. Well, most of us. I know I do. And there  are great romances out there and then there are lousy romances. And more times than not, I end up MST-ing […]

“Alternate Universe” or AU Many writers have used that phrase for their stories. But what exactly is alternate universe?  I’m going to start with what “AU” isn’t: It is not a license to go freewheeling through canon. It does not mean that you can do whatever the hell you want because “it’s an alternate universe.” […]