Archive for July, 2008

Research, An Author’s Best Friend Okay, you’ve decided you are going to write a fanfic. You sit down and start writing. It’s that easy, right? WRONG! Even if you weren’t going to write fanfiction and write an original work, you can’t just start writing. Every author has to do research of some sort. It’s as […]

Part II


Characters, Original So, we we’ve already discussed the canon characters and that it is best to keep them in character as much as possible. Now, it’s time to discuss the Original Character. These are the characters we as authors create to interact with the established canon characters. What makes a good OC? Well, first, they […]



Okay, I’m a regular over at and throughout many years of reading fanfiction, I’ve learned what makes a good fanfiction and what makes a bad one. So, if you don’t mind a bit of ranting, I’m going to share it. Because I feel there are people out there who need to know this. Definition […]

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